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Player Engagement Survey

To date, the Phantoms have played in 876 league games since the team was founded in 2002.  As we continue through our current season and begin to focus on a path to 1000 games, we wanted to take a moment and ask our players some questions referring to Phantom Hockey.  By players completing and honestly answering the questions below, we feel we can improve direction and have a greater understanding of our players to ensure we are pushing and continuing in a direction that benefits us all.  This survey is open to all players and subs of the Phantoms, Locomotives and Zombies, however, questions 3-7 ONLY pertain to Phantom players and Phantom subs.  Please answer the survey based on the team you select in question #2 (if your a player of multiple teams...answer the questions based on the team you select in question #2; if you want to answer the survey based on multiple teams, please complete a separate survey for the team's you wish to complete.  This survey should take about 15-20 minutes to complete.  The Phantoms did need to sign-up and pay a monthly fee to add this survey to the website.  We hope that every player takes the time to complete and answer honestly.  Please respond to this survey by December 31st.   *All Fields are Required

After clicking submit, you may need to scroll up and answer from security questions.  (Your not complete until you receive a green check)

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